2012 HERE- Creative Centre in Stöðvarfjörður, Iceland
2008 Bellas Artes, Valencia, Spain
2008 Intership in the animation studio of AAAD
2005/11 Academy of Arts, Design and Architecture in Prague
2004 Photographic grant in the project Crossroads For Ideas, British Council
2001/05 Graphic High school Hellichova, Prague

solo exhibitions:

2014 Wet Wet, Fait Gallery, Brno
2014 Don`t push the river, Berlinsky model, Prague (with Barbora Fastrova)
2013 Stone, scissors, paper, Gallery 35m2, Prague
2013 Showing Colours, Laboratorio, Prague
2012 Landscape with no name, Fiducia Gallery, Ostrava
2012 Under Pressure, GHMP, Start-up, Prague
2011 First to bring up, first to bring down: myself, Josef Sudek Gallery
2009 Gemini, Pavilon Gallery, Prague
2008 With and Without Eachother, Photoport Gallery, Bratislava(with B.Pivoňková)

group exhibitions:

2015 The fragments of sets, Fait Gallery, Brno
2015 Delta, Czech Centrum Berlin
2014 Caprice, Photofestival, Moravská Třebová
2014 About the chair, Biennial of Photography, Liége, Belgium
2014 The charm of still life, Josef Sudek Gallery
2013 Near from myself, Almaturka Gallery, Usti nad Labem
2013 Vystřelený šrapnel uklidní pozorovatele,Czech China Contemporary,Peking
2013 Inner Circle, GHMP
2013 Home Alone, NoD, Prague
2013 Tetradekagon, Fait Gallery, Brno
2012 Hidden River, Dox, Prague
2012 Forget To Breath, galerie Rampa, Usti nad Labem
2012 VI. Zlín Youth Salon 2012
2010 Dispersed Compounds, Photofest, Uničov
2008 Ego, Langhans Gallery,Prague
2008 The Essence, Mánes Gallery, Prague
2007 Still Alive, Krásný Ztráty, Prague
2007 Six, Prague House of Photography, Prague